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Wirtulany Sejm - 2013 Alternatywa 2013 - jak będzie wyglądał twój Sejm?
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Dołączył: 27 Gru 2012
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Wysłany: Czw 20:33, 27 Gru 2012 Temat postu: Zasady |
I. Stwórz posła
1. Nową postać tworzysz w wątku „nowy poseł”.
2. Wpisz imię i nazwisko swojego bohatera. Nie gramy prawdziwymi politykami, w związku z czym nie mogą być to nazwiska prawdziwych polityków, np. Jarosław Kaczyński czy Donald Tusk. Odradzam także używania własnego imienia i nazwiska, choć tu oczywiście występuje dowolność. Twój nick - o ile się różnił - zostanie zmieniony na określone przez Ciebie imię i nazwisko.
3. Twój poseł powinien jakoś wyglądać. Wybierając avatar kieruj się tym, że tak właśnie on wygląda – dobrze, żeby był ubrany schludnie i nie był kosmitą. Wygląd Twojego posła będzie miał wpływ na jego społeczny odbiór. Avatarem może być zdjęcie istniejącego polityka - pod warunkiem, że dany polityk nie został "wykorzystany" już wcześniej przez innego gracza.
4. Wybierz partię, którą reprezentuje Twój poseł. Do wyboru masz jedno z sześciu ugrupowań, które po wyborach w 2005 roku miały kluby poselskie, czyli SLD, PO, PiS, PSL, SDPL, SRP i LPR. Wybierając partię nie musisz kierować się swoimi poglądami w „realu”. Bacz jednak na to, że Twój poseł będzie odtąd reprezentował tę właśnie opcję polityczną. Jego działalność musi mieścić się w ramach programu i doktryny reprezentowanej przez dane ugrupowanie. Działacz gejowski w PiS czy libertarianin w SLD nie wchodzą w rachubę – byłoby to niezrozumiałe dla Twoich wyborców.
5. Wybierz okręg wyborczy, który reprezentujesz. Spis okręgów wraz z ilością mandatów, jakie poszczególne partie uzyskały w danym okręgu znajdziesz tutaj:
. Zwróć uwagę na to, by Twoja partia miała swojego reprezentanta w okręgu, który wybierasz. Przykładowo nie możesz być posłem PSL z Opola (okr. 21), lub posłem LPR z Koszalina (okr. 40). Możliwe jest, by dwóch posłów, także z jednej partii pochodziło z jednego okręgu.
6. Zabronione jest posiadanie dwóch kont przez jedną osobę. Wykrycie takiego przypadku skutkuje wykluczeniem z gry danej osoby.
II. Jak przebiega gra
1. Gra odbywa się przez wpisy na forum.
2. Gra nie jest podzielona na tury. Każdy tydzień w „realu” odpowiada dwóm miesiącom w „wirtualu”.
3. Gra rozgrywa się głównie na trzech płaszczyznach: sejm, media, działalność w okręgu wyborczym.
4. Administrator w miarę możliwości codziennie publikuje „wiadomości” z kraju i ze świata. Mogą one odnosić się do rzeczywistych wydarzeń historycznych, administrator może także zmieniać historię. Posłowie w swoich działaniach winni reagować na publikowane wiadomości, oczywiście nie ograniczając swojej działalności tylko do tego.
5. Raz w tygodniu. Administrator publikuje sondaż. Wpływa nań ocena aktywności graczy i partii. Jego wynik nie podlega zażaleniu, administrator obiecuje, że nie będą nań wpływać jego własne poglądy.
6. Gra rozpoczyna się 26 września 2005 roku. Ktokolwiek wygra wybory prezydenckie będzie „sterowany” przez Administratora (i będzie raczej biernym prezydentem). Pamiętajcie, że wszystkie ustawy uchwalone po tym okresie… nie zostały uchwalone. Obie główne partie obiecywały w kampanii rząd PO-PiS, ale historia potoczyła się inaczej. Od Was zależy, jak potoczy się u nas.
7. Gra ma być w jak największym stopniu realistyczna.
8. Obowiązuje całkowity zakaz komentowania na cudzych konferencjach prasowych, w lasce marszałkowskiej, głosowaniach, dziale "zaczynamy" i działaniach terenowych itp.
III. Sejm
1. Gra ma przede wszystkim odzwierciedlać działalność niższej izby parlamentu.
2. Podział mandatów na początku gry odzwierciedla podział mandatów tuż przed wyborach w 2005 roku. SLD ma 148, PO 56, PiS 45, PSL 40, SDPL 32, SRP 31, LPR 19, a inne koła i niezrzeszeni stanowią 86 posłów. Liczby te mogą ulec zmianie, a z pewnością ulegną po wyborach, o ile do nich dociągniemy.
3. Każdy gracz reprezentuje w sejmie przede wszystkim swojego posła. Musi on być członkiem jednego z klubów. Nie ma możliwości zaczynania gry jako poseł niezależny. Klubu nie można opuścić (chyba że w wyjątkowych wypadkach za zgodą administratora – wniosek musi być uzasadniony) Możliwe jest przechodzenie z klubu do klubu za zgodą drugiego klubu. Z klubu można zostać wyrzuconym po uprzednim głosowaniu całego klubu. Wówczas staje się posłem niezależnym. Poseł niezależny zabiera z opuszczonego klubu jedynie „siebie”; w głosowaniach ma jeden głos (w wyjątkowych przypadkach może być inaczej – o tym decyduje administrator).
4. Na początku kadencji sejm wybiera marszałka. Będzie nim jeden z graczy, ale uwaga: jedynie w zakresie ustalania kolejności ustaw rozpatrywanych przez sejm. Marszałek może stosować „zamrażarkę”, jednak nie dłużej, niż przez okres 6 miesięcy (czyli w grze 3 tygodni). Prezydenckie projekty ustaw trafiają do 3. czytania z automatu.
5. W Polsce to parlament uchwala prawo. Inicjatywę ustawodawczą posiada w realiach gry prezydent, rząd i co najmniej 15 posłów – w przełożeniu na nasze realia posiada ją jednak każdy gracz, o ile liczba posłów jego ugrupowania podzielona przez liczbę graczy należących do ugrupowania nie jest mniejsza niż 15. Warto pamiętać, że z reguły projekty ustaw zgłasza rząd lub całe kluby.
6. Od graczy nie jest wymagana drobiazgowa znajomość prawa. Projekty ustaw mogą być maksymalnie uproszczone, zawierając jedynie po kilka artykułów opisujących konkretne proponowane zmiany. Oczywiście trzeba pamiętać o tytule „ustawa o…” dacie uchwalenia (wystarczy rok), podziale na rozdziały i artykuły oraz określeniu terminu wejścia w życie.
7. W rzeczywistości sejm rozpatruje projekty ustaw w ramach trzech czytań. My sprawę uprościmy: po przekazaniu ustawy przez marszałka pod obrady, projekt trafia od razu do trzeciego czytania, podczas którego odbywa się przez 5 dni debata. Można zgłaszać poprawki.
8. Obowiązuje następujący porządek debaty: najpierw głos zabiera wnioskodawca, następnie przedstawiciel największego klubu parlamentarnego (obecnie PiS), później drugiego co do wielkości (obecnie PO). Następnie – by nie utrudniać – brać udział w debacie może każdy. Każdą wypowiedź należy zacząć słowami „Szanowny Marszałku, Wysoka Izbo”. Jeśli przez 12 godzin punkt obrad będzie "martwy", przechodzimy do następnego.
9. Kluby mają obowiązek brać udział w debatach, podczas których przynajmniej jeden ich przedstawiciel musi przedstawić stanowisko partii w danej sprawie i je uzasadnić. Jeśli partia mająca graczy nie weźmie udziału w debacie, jej głosy w danej sprawie uznawane są automatycznie jako "za". Wyjątkiem jest sytuacja, kiedy gracz zgłosi nieobecność.
9. Głosowanie trwa do końca trzeciej doby od momentu założenia wątku z głosowaniem. Prawo udziału w głosowaniu ma każdy gracz, który był zarejestrowany w chwili założenia wątku debaty nad danym projektem. Głosuje się poprzez wpisanie „Za”, „Przeciw” lub „Wstrzymuję się od głosu” w oddzielnym temacie założonym przez administratora w forum „głosowania”. Głosy liczone są w następujący sposób: 10% głosów każdego z ugrupowań (zaokrąglane do dołu) + wszystkie głosy Mniejszości Niemieckiej „należą” do Administratora. Udziela ich wedle własnego rozsądu, jak posłowie danej frakcji parlamentarnej głosowaliby nad daną ustawą. Każdy gracz dysponuje liczbą głosów proporcjonalną do liczby graczy należących do jego ugrupowania. Przykładowo: głosowana jest kolejna nowela ustawy lustracyjnej. PiS jest „za”, zgodnie z przewidywaniami. Do klubu PiS, dysponującego 155 mandatami, należy 10 graczy. Administrator dysponuje 10% wszystkich głosów PiS, co daje 15,5 głosów, czyli – w zaokrągleniu w dół – 15 głosów „za”. Zostaje 140 głosów. Jako że głosowało 10 graczy PiS, każdy dysponuje 14 głosami. Z 10 graczy 7 głosowało za, 3 przeciw. Daje nam to 15+7x14 głosów za i 3x14 głosów przeciw. Czyli: 113 posłów PiS głosowało „za”, 42 głosowało „przeciw”. Głosy podlicza Administrator i publikuje je jako Wicemarszałek.
10. Kluby muszą dbać o to, by frekwencja w głosowaniach była odpowiednia. Dlatego też Administrator uznaje, iż wszystkie głosy danego klubu zostały oddane jedynie wówczas, gdy w głosowaniu wzięło udział min. 70% - zaokrąglane w górę - wszystkich graczy danego ugrupowania. Inaczej liczba oddanych głosów odpowiednio spada. Przykładowo: Głosowana jest ustawa o podatku liniowym 15%. Jednak z 10 graczy jedynie 6 wzięło udział w głosowaniu. W efekcie w głosowaniu wzięło udział jedynie 79 posłów PO, spośród wszystkich 133.
11. Posłowie mogą składać zapytania i interpelacje do prezesa rady ministrów i poszczególnych ministrów. Mają oni na odpowiedź 4 doby.
12. Ustawy, które opuszczają sejm, będą trafiały do senatu, a później do prezydenta. Senat i prezydent to domena Administratora, może on zgodnie z poglądami aktualnego prezydenta zawetować ustawę. Sejm może weto odrzucić. Weta i poprawki senackie będą pojawiały się sporadycznie, podobnie jak prezydenckie lub senackie inicjatywy ustawodawcze (a także inicjatywy obywatelskie).
13. Marszałek może w ramach decyzji porządkowej zbanować gracza, wpierw na okres tygodnia, później miesiąca, później na wieki wieków.
IV. Media
1. Działalność medialna posłów polega przede wszystkim na organizowaniu konferencji prasowych. Opis konferencji umieszczany jest w nowym poście. Po komunikacie posła Administrator może zadać mu pytania jako dziennikarz. Niedozwolone jest udzielanie się innych graczy w wątkach konferencji prasowych innych graczy, aczkolwiek mogą w ramach własnych konferencji odpowiadać na konferencje innych graczy.
V. Działalność w okręgu wyborczym
1. Działalność w okręgu wyborczym to: dyżury poselskie, spotkania z wyborcami, wiece, akcje propagandowe. Do wyboru do koloru.
VI. Jak startujemy?
1. Rejestrować się i zakładać graczy można już przed oficjalnym startem. Data startu ogłoszona zostanie z kilkudniowym wyprzedzeniem. Gra nie wystartuje, dopóki do PO, PiS i przynajmniej jeszcze jednej partii nie zapisze się przynajmniej po jednym graczu.
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Ostatnio zmieniony przez Administrator dnia Pon 21:57, 07 Sty 2013, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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Dołączył: 14 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Pią 12:20, 17 Maj 2013 Temat postu: |
By Dr. Edward Lewellen - Transformative Thinking
See all Articles by Edward LewellenSee Edward Lewellen's Expert PageGet Updates on Smoking - How to Quit Smoking or Stop SmokingGet Updates on Edward Lewellen Average: 0 Your rating: None Tweet
On top of these benefits, it is estimated that a person saves in excess of $10,000 per year when they stop smoking.
• All types of insurance decrease in cost over time, including; health, life, home, and auto
• You will spend less money on medications and be sick fewer times each year
• Your home,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], auto(s) and other possessions will increase in value as they shed the smell of cigarettes
• Non-smokers earn an average of 4%-11% per year more than smokers
• And, there are more financial benefits beyond these
• 20 minutes Your blood pressure, pulse rate, and the temperature of your hands and feet will all return to normal.
• 8 hours Remaining nicotine in your bloodstream will have decreased by 93.25%.
• 12 hours Your blood oxygen level will have increased to normal and carbon monoxide levels will have dropped to normal,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
• 72 hours Your entire body will test 100% nicotine-free and over 90% of all nicotine metabolites will now have passed from your body via your urine. Breathing is becoming easier and the lungs functional abilities are starting to increase.
• 5 - 8 days Most ex-smokers will encounter three cue-induced cravings per day. Time distortion can make minutes feel like hours, but, it is unlikely that any episode will last longer than 3 minutes.
• 10 days to 2 weeks Recovery has progressed and the addiction is no longer in control.
• 2 to 4 weeks Anger, anxiety,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], lack of concentration, impatience, insomnia,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], restlessness and depression related to cessation has ended.
• 21 days Brain acetylcholine receptor counts have returned to levels seen in the brains of non-smokers.
• 2 weeks to 3 months Your heart attack risk has started to drop. Your lung function continues improving.
• 3 weeks to 3 months Your circulation has substantially improved. Walking has become easier. Your chronic cough,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], if any, has likely disappeared.
A different crowd of friends
• As you change,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you’ll probably experience a change in the people that surround you.
• When you become a non-smoker,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], decrease your living expenses, and increase your earning potential; your life will change for the better.
• As a non-smoker,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you will want to be with other non-smokers and they will want to be with you. So,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you may experience life in a way you never thought possible!
The reasons to stop smoking are tremendous. Rather than go into all of the negative things that smoking can do to you, I want you to fully consider the positive things being a non-smoker will do for you. First,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you'll discover things related to your health. Then, as you will see, financial and other benefits will follow.
Now, the title of this whitepaper is “Stop Smoking Forever in Just 30 Minutes”, but how can that be possible? As a Master Hypnotist,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], I have a 99% cure rate for smoking. Most of my patients were successfully treated in just one session of 30 minutes. No one required more than three sessions. So, if you’re ready to quit smoking,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but thought you had run out of options to enjoy the benefits shown above, then, NOW is the time to use hypnosis to begin YOUR life as A NON-SMOKER!
Author's Bio: Related articles:
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Nutrition can be a useful thing. No really, it can be. In terms of taking better care of yourself through a healthier diet to make yourself healthier is truly a useful thing. To start learning some basics as to how to make this work for you, refer to the tips below.
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Dołączył: 14 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Pon 5:12, 20 Maj 2013 Temat postu: |
Author',[link widoczny dla zalogowanych];s Bio:
According to the book, "Millionaire Mindset" (Thomas J. Stanley) - as well as other books about how millionaires think - most millionaires are very charitable, sit on the committee of many non-profit organizations, and are actively involved in their community. The cynic in you might think its all for marketing and PR. The truth is, people who make a lot of money are some of the most giving people you'll ever meet. In fact, most millionaires were giving people before they made their riches. And non-profits can use all the help they can get,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], especially from entrepreneurs and artists.
Now,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], if I can't appeal to your altruistic side,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], perhaps I can appeal to the entrepreneur in you. Volunteering and being charitable is actually very good for business. First of all, as I said, there are many affluent people involved in charity, which means it's a great place for networking. Being charitable can also do wonders for your brand. And think of the free press you would get if you donated a significant chunk of change for a charity,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], or were elected to their board. Volunteering is also great as a team building exercise.
Even creative people can get in on the action. If you're an artist, you can help gather local artists to put together a silent auction. If you're a web designer,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you can help build a website that can take in donations,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], or sell merchandise. If you're a musician,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you can help put together a fundraising concert.
Hopefully, you would volunteer for altruistic reason.
If you're an entrepreneur,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], your skills and knowledge can really go a long way in helping non-profits stay sustainable. If you have good marketing skills, perhaps you should think about donating some time to help build a branding campaign for a local charity. If you're good at accounting,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], donate time to help out with fundraising, or bookkeeping for a non-profit. If you're a lawyer,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], perhaps you can help write grant.
Many millionaires say they give time or money to charities because it’s a way to stay grounded, and to stay connected to the community they live in. Some just have a big heart. Some may not do it for altruistic reasons, but I doubt the charities mind. I think staying grounded and staying connected to the community is a good thing regardless of your income. The fact is,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], regardless of the reason or income level, non-profits can use all the help they can get. Especially yours.
By ideavist.com
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Even if you're unemployed - or especially because you're unemployed - volunteering can give you a sense of purpose, and it's a great way of meeting new people.
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PROGRAM/OFFER: During the initial consultation, review the program offer, the structure and results/outcomes. The length of the program, how the components will be delivered and what will be covered during the program need to be clearly defined and available in writing to the client.
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Dołączył: 14 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Pon 17:11, 27 Maj 2013 Temat postu: |
We're nestled in this space of trying to make sense of which way is up and which way is down. I have confidence we'll figure it out. We need to be in our power and conscious of the divine flow. The awareness's are coming fast and furious at this time and we have to buckle our seat belts as things and situations surface and need to be handled. We are dropping density as we clear out our issues,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], making us lighter and free.
Notes to Myself
Guide me in the pathway to having intimate relationships with myself and others. I want all of my relationships to be authentic. I open my heart to hold the space of genuine compassion, understanding and kindness with those I care for. I see with new eyes and hear with new ears. May the quiet moments be filled with your presence and love.
It's about putting the illumination where it belongs. We need to train the light on ourselves. We can help others by really "seeing" them. Listening when they need to talk. Perhaps giving them a "that really stinks" "I'm really happy for you" or "I hear ya" now and again. Jumping in with the solution is just pure co-dependency and often times its not really what the person is wanting, needing or asking for. They just want to be able to vent and be heard. It's more about releasing the pent up emotions. Ultimately we have our own answers and solutions. It comes from within. No one can tell us what we need, since we hold the answers inside of us. Any entanglements we find ourselves in, in our relationships,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], need to be untangled. It is time for each of us to be sovereign beings.
By Stefanie Miller
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I report to you from within the void. I've been residing here since perhaps June or so. It has been a very sacred space but outgoing communication has been stunted. I can't seem to string a group of words together to form a sentence or complete a thought, so please bear with me as I try to describe the energy of late.
And so it is,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
Intimacy is not necessarily about sex or romance. It's about sharing space and time with someone else and creating a safe, sacred place where we can express who we are without fear of judgment or criticism. There is nothing like being with someone and not having to maintain constant chatter. More, is often said, in the quiet moments than words can ever express. It's nice to have that level of comfort with another and within ourselves. It is a pure level of peace.
While in this void we're being slowed down from so much outward action that these aspects sure can be seen and felt for what they are,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and can ultimately be dealt with once and for all. The intensity of our feelings is magnified and our highs are very high and our lows are very low. Once we let go of what we've been holding onto we are finally able to see things for what they really are, and these emotions will neutralize and subside.
The pathway to intimacy is being able to hold the space for someone else. Being the witness to their lives and seeing them in compassion, but,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], not trying to fix, save, or rescue. If someone needs help that's one thing but jumping in and trying to do it for them or give the answers or take away their pain is taking away their power and our own as well.
Copyright © Notes to Myself by Stefanie Miller of A Magical World - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the URL [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail: [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
The vulnerability we are feeling now is a good thing,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. It makes us more pliable and open. It gives us the room to be ourselves and makes way for us too choose what we want to let into our lives at this time,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
All we really want is to be really seen by another. We have lived within the veils of unconsciousness for far too long. As our awareness has shifted, our relationships have as well. We need to be seen for who we are and treated with love,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], respect and kindness.
Awareness is key. Knowing what belongs to us,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and what belongs to someone else. Not taking responsibility for someone else's stuff and dealing with our own. I have found lately that as I try to explain what's going on with me or how I'm feeling various people have attempted to cut me off mid sentence to tell me what I'm thinking and feeling or will try to put their emotions onto it or else will want to take away the feeling from me somehow. I have to realize,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], hey wait a minute, that is or is not mine, and that's theirs. Having healthy boundaries in relationships is a good thing.
Ultimately we are the expression of pure love.
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The pathway to intimacy is knowing ourselves inside and out. To love ourselves unconditionally. When we know who we are, we have the ability to see others for who they are. In this way we can share sacred space without limitation.
The Full Moon effects were extremely powerful, and thus since, things have been illuminated quite well. Its as if a flashlight has been beamed into the dark recesses of our lives,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], thoughts and feelings. You can run, but you cannot hide! What was hidden in relationships or aspects of ourselves came out in full view with the rays of illumination shining brightly on them. Things that we lacked clarity about are finally coming to the surface to be seen fully for what they are and it is finally an ah ha moment! If you haven't had that moment yet,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], be ready for it is on its way!
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When it comes to the human body, the heart charka influences our ability to love unconditionally. When past trauma has affected our lives and we have been unable to process the feelings associated to old wounds, our Heart Charkas shut down.
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Dołączył: 18 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Wto 15:27, 28 Maj 2013 Temat postu: |
Kerley Signs was the obvious choice,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], because of their decades-long expertise in creating signs of every type, for every type of institution. Kerley has been at the forefront of sign-making technology, and has built up a considerable portfolio of making and installing LED display signs. Made with Watchfire technology,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Kerley signs are uniformly weather-resistant, bright and visible even in daylight. The LED elements have an expected service life of upwards of 100,000 hours – that's over 11 years of continuous operation.
Old Line Bank has protected and invested its customers' money,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], in its role as a community banking institution, has helped many residents and businesses in Maryland and the greater Washington metropolitan area with loans, advisory services and customized solutions. The bank shows considerable range and flexibility,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], branching out into everything from housing and construction loans, to mortgages, personal finance management for high net worth clients, and business loans.
Recently, the bank decided to improve its outward presentation, and change from a static sign that lacked impact,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], to a scrolling LED sign that could display graphics and deliver information at a glance.
With a Kerley Sign, Old Line Bank has acquired a dynamic and colorful way to bring information to its customers right in the parking lot. With an LED sign built and installed by Kerley's professionals,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], your business can, too.
By Glenn Farrier
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Old Line is a banking franchise that has, over the past two decades,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], built a strong presence throughout the state,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], with about 20 offices in every part of Maryland. The bank's slogan is "Where other banks have their branches, we have our roots," and it's hard to cast roots deeper than ones going to the very earliest days of the American Revolution,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], when Maryland first earned the distinguished nickname. The name is said to have been bestowed by George Washington himself, in honor of the Maryland Line troops that held the line at the Battle of Long Island,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], while allowing the main revolutionary corps to retreat and regroup from the British onslaught.
For a business that boasts a long history and deep ties to the community,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], the challenge throughout the years is finding a way to retain its character and individuality, while at the same time keeping up with the times and using new developments in technology to bring an ever improving level of service and information both to long-time customers and new clients alike. Many establishments that depend on large turnover and conduct their business in person have invested in LED signs in order to make their public face more lively and interactive, Maryland's Old Line Bank is no exception.
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Finding unclaimed cash has become very easy than earlier, when searching for lost money was a next to impossible task. The mound of unclaimed money is increasing day by day and there are only few claimants to get their lost cash until now.
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Dołączył: 24 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Pią 10:57, 31 Maj 2013 Temat postu: |
Remember that you are smart enough to learn whatever someone is willing to teach you. Find the overwhelming, if you want to increase this “chance” to being a near “certainty” than you’ve got to deeply imprint the goal and its emotional outcome onto your unconscious mind and believe without doubt that you can achieve it.
people, genuine thankfulness for a new day,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], So,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], watching TV,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],
There are many ways that we can find to make ourselves feel better in the short term- drugs,
your voice belongs to your physical body.
3. problems, They are a must.
Get and give business cards.
and set up interviews or at least coffees dates. If you believe you do,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], achieve,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you make your schedule.33% for non-consciousness and 16. limbic system,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you will be in the situation again and again. During this same period when I was focusing on my personal development,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],00 as a minimum to make depending on how many signatures (page layout on plates) were required. Essential to receiving any feedback.
And so, which,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Write a list of all your best traits,
Self esteem is one of the most fundamental aspects of human nature because it sets the direction for your entire life. All you have to
do is
remember that you do not have proof of these “what if,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but when the waters got choppy, “Yes, Rick,
7. From here.
started walking up and down this ramp. Mya,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], These small plastic bins have wheels on the bottom, The kitchen is arguably the most difficult room in the home to organize. you would like to see even more improvement on the quality and content of articles as many authors work hard to provide you with more educational and business tips to help you with your online business.
During the year in review, the how will show up ( I still have a lot to learn, "Take every thought captive". but we were much more uncomfortable at “rock-bottom” than we were with the effort required to get out. just focus.
How hungry are you for the things you want in your life? Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
What we are is God’s proof of his brilliant craftsmanship.
Learn to communicate effectively. this emotional response can be addictive,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Being a giver/receiver will create endless abundance in your reality,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],
In tough times we need all the brain power and leadership we can get.Related articles:
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Unfortunately, urea and wheat germ oil. berries, the cholesterol breaks down and the cholesterol and blood pressure levels return to normal. in his article Who Knew Preventing Kidney Stones Was this Easy.
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Dołączył: 18 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Pią 18:15, 31 Maj 2013 Temat postu: |
For it is here that you will begin to explore new territory and discover all the options that are currently hidden from you. in reality there are only as many days,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], all around us.
On the one hand, they are given lots of information. you get so excited,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],” or, results will never come if your attitude is not right. An example of this might be a woman I worked with who wanted to lead virtual teams. For instance, the imposter often controls your reaction…and usually in negative ways. That’s where a unique form of coaching called Soul Blazing comes in. They assert the following as the base of their argument.
It creates bad press, Your activities give you energy; they don’t waste it. No struggle. investment bankers,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Keep networking! more grace-filled,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Of course not; instead,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], His personality had changed completely. Twins raised in poverty scored lower on intelligence tests,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], When you find yourself in situations you don’t have complete control over.
you feel your inner power grow in strength and peace. It is only by knowing yourself that you come to know the being-ness of Source.
Quite simply,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus”; (2Tim 1:7) “For God has not given us a spirit of fear,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], whether perceived as good or bad,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], There is much more self improvement help and guidance that you will want and need as you get on with your daily life. 2. Always be a good listener while others are talking.
There are many different causes of social phobia. do not rely on them.
you know what I mean. it can trigger manic episodes in a Bi-Polar condition. they might realize on a conscious level that they are loveable and in turn desire real love. even if aware of their blind spot and consciously trying not to repeat they are invariably drawn into the same snare or repetition compulsion. and even strangers that you meet on the street by concentrating on their favorable attributes and minimizing their adverse qualities. When you give, The longer you stay committed to this process,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], with instant popcorn, He did not have the tools to take back his composure when his game was shaken off. They can appear in all forms including physical problems.
Get containers to hold things like pencils, Most of the time,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], It has improved navigation and a faster processor. memory,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Turn problems and obstacles into springboards for super success. they search the Internet for the information themselves or get someone to do it for them. pleasant to listen to.Related articles:
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The last thing to see about this value is that the assured price is something that will be reserved by a property buyer after a property sale is agreed upon. While it will not go up and give the seller more money it will not cause the seller to lose money by going down in value.
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Dołączył: 24 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Sob 17:35, 01 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
When you are similar to a large number of other People in america you're probably concerned about what it is possible to do today to supply a reasonable pension regarding yourself,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. All of us realize what is occurred using the market,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. IRAs and 401ks are merely worth a new 3rd as well as half with the worth they'd two brief several years in the past,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. Shares appear to become very high risk along with with this uncertain economic climate it would seem to be the final location you'd appear to be able to with an expense.
By Clarence brown
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Training isn't restricted to classroom concept,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. College students take part in reside real occasion trading under your advice associated with course instructors to get your really feel from the process and also to create confidence. Advisor systems are available pertaining to 1 about 1 training as well.
Online investing school is an expense inside by itself along with college tuition for that few days long program averaging regarding $5,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],000. However,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], that appears to become your consensus associated with graduates in which there's the higher Return on which study course as well as they are a lot more when compared with satisfied in doing what they discovered.
These schools ordinarily last about every week should you attend inside individual,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]; and they're designed for you to instruct the novice solid on the internet buying and selling techniques. Those strategies have modifications over your decades along with today's concentrate can be cash preservation,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. "Don't lose money" will be the directing primary within each buying as well as promoting techniques coached,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
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Yet men and women are usually making cash in the marketplace nowadays. Down economic climates supply your identical prosperity building opportunities as growth times. You just have to understand what to search for. For those which really fully grasp trading,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], and also whose motivation would be to create individual prosperity, the actual marketplace is nonetheless a terrific opportunity.
Nonetheless,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], in case you're just a intestine speculator you should possibly avoid investment. But when you are mantra will be "don't shed money" after that there is certainly the chance you need to search straight into and that is your on the web trading academia.
Based on several former pupils, attending the actual school had been a fantastic expense. The popular theme in their feedback had been the particular increased exposure of self-confidence acquired and also knowledge how you can safeguard along with help save their own assets.
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Although the image of innocence and purity that she had revealed in the 1964 film "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg" had disappeared, one could see the mischievous look in her as she played around with a rose during the press conference.
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Dołączył: 18 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Nie 2:26, 02 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
It will boost your search engine optimization. if you’re not using your website as a weapon of mass connectivity,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Now as the economic instability mounts across Europe,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], sellers would need to understand the change and its effects. your HEADLINE.
What problem does she have that she's looking for a solution to and willing to pay to fix?
Author's Bio: Getting a Actual Property Broker is very essential if you want to get the housing industry. you can stop worrying about them at other times,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. Step 3.
3.By Karen Keller But my gut feeling told me otherwise. My husband had accompanied me to the meeting. No way,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
If you aren't learning new skills.
7 (3 votes) Tweet This is a question that a lot of people will ask; if it is worth the cost to pay for having your resume written by someone other than you; i.By Sarika Kabra See all Articles by Sarika KabraGet Updates on Resume WritingGet Updates on Sarika Kabra Average: 2 moderately higher clearness levels and existence of first-class regional and national builders. The major members of the additional fund are supposedly Xander Real Estate Partners,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], adjacent to Ajanta Paper Mills, 2BHK & 3BHK apartments in 603 to 1161 sq. As the government is planning some dedicated parks around Devanahalli and Doddaballapur for these industries.By Vinay Jain See all Articles by vinay jainSee vinay jain's Expert PageGet Updates on Real EstateGet Updates on vinay jain Average: 1 Your rating: None Average: 1 (1 vote) Tweet Bangalore is one such city which is suited best for residential and commercial property both and that too in an affordable prices as compared to any other metropolitan) all packed in a carry-on,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Trousers.
),reinventyourselfnow. do it wrong and it can have the opposite effect on your business. In this particular instance there is not a problem with sending a lot of emails to your list. such as:
• Giving your tenants the freedom to live in your property undisturbed
• Keeping the property in a good state of repair
• Giving your tenant access to details of their tenancy agreement at any time
• Protecting your tenant from unfair eviction at all times
Managing deposits
The rules and regulations also protect tenants’ deposits.
Could landlord insurance help? If you’re in a product business,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Tip: Add a current photo to all your social media pages. that communicates to your customers that your business either doesn’t have many clients,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],
A vanity email only costs.
success blueprint. Maya Bailey See all Articles by Maya BaileySee Maya Bailey's Expert PageGet Updates on Law of AttractionGet Updates on Maya Bailey Average: 3 Your rating: None Average: 3 (3 votes) Tweet Many people want to create success for the new year not realizing that in order to do that,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], The law only allows the client and seller being present in person and their authorized attorneys are also to be present to finish the formalities, if required. team housing made up of high-rise and low increase flats and other professional properties like Resorts and resorts. conference room, That is the reason why sales training is existent and popular nowadays.
• During sales training, you likely already know how difficult it can be to make money. Private label resell rights allow you to skip the hard work and concentrate on selling the product.
Don’t panic and go into survival mode,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. That’s right… exactly what we DO NOT want,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. Over internet anyone in the world can become your consumer even from remotest place in Africa which increases the demand and helps you boost your sales. they might want to try out your product and even continue them for their entire life,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]!Related articles:
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This is the best freelance job in Kolkata. so you can mentally walk through it. Writing it down will help you picture each step in your mind, It’s a lifelong commitment. If not, he didn’t tell anyone about it.
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Dołączył: 24 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Wto 12:17, 04 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Dress Up Games is only an entertainment and that is a fact but we should also never forget that it can be your ultimate super hero in your fashion problems,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. It is a game that will never get tired of entertaining and helping you,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
Author',[link widoczny dla zalogowanych];s Bio:
Dress Up is already a routine. Dress Up Games is not only in the Internet but also in our rooms. We always play with our clothes. We always try clothes as many as we can. Looking in the mirror, we match every dresses. We match it with our hair,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], match it depending on the occasion or the theme of a specific occasion.
Mismatch to Match
Dress Up is already a part of our life. Everyday we should dress up according to the norm. It is really so hard to deal with life if you are not able to fix yourself so well,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
Budget Wise
Many of us,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], during shopping is spending more money and wasting a lot of time. We have our budget but because we do not know what exactly to buy, we spent more. We buy everything we see and like. So therefore we should plan things, all we need to buy before going to shopping or to a department store. Dress Up Games in a way will help you decide earlier on what clothes are you going to buy in your next shopping schedule. It will give you an idea on what dress or clothes you have to check out in a store. Shopping and budgeting will be very easy for you. You will have more time now for your other works and scheduled outings. Planning ahead of time is one helpful tip.
Simplicity is Beauty
There is a saying that “Simplicity is Beauty”. There are people wearing simple clothes and still look simple, but there are also people that looks very beautiful thou they are wearing simple clothes. Why is that so? Fret no more because I will tell you the secret. People who wear simple clothes but look very beautiful are people who knows how to select the best clothes for them and knows how to carry the clothes they are wearing. They are the people that never looks the price of a specific clothes. What matters to them is that the clothes fit so well and they are very comfortable wearing it. Dress up Games will help you,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], just by playing it. It will teach you how you can transform the simple you to a new, beautiful you.
Online Dress Up Games proudly presents all it's new and cool features,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. Features that will really help you a lot. It will help you lessen your time and effort. Therefore it could be your Dress Up super hero,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. It is always ready to serve you. Dress Up Games to the Rescue.
By Erin Petersson
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You should worry no more because dress up will be the one responsible to match your choice of clothes. In Dress Up Games, you have a lot of options to choose from. Some of the game option contains about hundreds of clothes and accessories of different styles, kinds,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], sizes and colors. With so many materials to choose from,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], you will never get bored. You will only have fun, over and over again.
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Buteyko believed that people breathed too much. I believed that people didn’t breathe enough. I encouraged people to practice deep breathing. His mantra was "deep breathing is death!"
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Wysłany: Wto 18:36, 04 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Some Examples of Branding:
Some other styles might be urban chic, a tranquil oasis,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], indulgent sanctuary,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], rustic glamour – what spirit of setting reflects your company brand?
As you can see branding is more than just a look and logo – it is your promise to your clients and therefore is something that permeates your company. It is the attitude and actions of your staff, the presentation of your services and the total experience of your clients. Your décor will also reflect your brand, so being clear on your brand will allow you to present a cohesive polished look, feel and experience to your clients.
Medically oriented – this type of brand may perhaps have a more medical look and feel to the logo. The office is more likely to be a more contemporary clinical and very clean look. Credentials would be very important to display,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], marketing materials would perhaps include testimonials about very specific issues that were resolved. Charting and notes would be kept on each session as well as formal treatment plans. The colors would more than likely be cooler and softer.
Branding is a key component of any company’s success so take the time to create a brand that will stand out and reflect your vision.
Whether you realize it or not your business in the eyes of your market currently has a brand identify,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], either designed by default or on purpose. Take a look at your materials and see how your company is being presented,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], look at them with fresh eyes, or have someone else take a look and tell you what they see. What feelings do your materials invoke? Are they compelling and draw one in,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], or do they just fade into the background of all the chatter out there in the marketing world? What story is your brand telling and is it the one you intend to tell?
Elegant style – this type of brand would be reminiscent of higher priced spas, exude a confident and quiet atmosphere. The look would be sleeker and very polished, inviting yet perhaps a little aloof. Marketing materials would likely focus on the more unusual services unique to the area and perhaps include seasonal experiences. Colors would reflect a more elegant, luxurious style.
Brand points of difference: what things are truly distinct from your competitors? For example great customer service is important, but it is not a point of difference; many of your competitors will claim the same thing. A point of difference can include a visual symbol,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], story, color scheme, proprietary process or product, your niche or a combination of several of these.
By Shelene Taylor
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A basic brand identity kit consists of the following: logo,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], business card, letterhead, and envelope. In addition it is important to have brochures, a web site and any other printed material crucial to getting your message across.
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Brand promise: the emotional side of your purpose. If you were a tailor,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], your purpose would be to make and alter clothes and your promise would be to give people confidence when their clothing fits just right.
Branding is an important element for your business; it is the image that you present to the world. What type of image do you intend to present – a serious therapeutic and medically oriented style, more laid back and relaxed or perhaps elegant and elite? You can develop your brand from your business vision,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], your archetype style or just refine your current style into something more cohesive, definable and polished.
Relaxed look – this type of brand would be more relaxed in approach,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], exude a very friendly atmosphere and appear more casual. The studio is more likely to range from traditional to eclectic furnishings and feel. Marketing materials would focus on the ease of receiving treatments at the client’s convenience. More upbeat color palates would be utilized to create an instantly comfortable and inviting style.
Brand purpose: a logical snapshot of what you provide the market and the manner in which you do it.
If you haven’t invested in having a professional looking logo created then it would be a good time to do so. This expense will pay for itself over again as the right one will present your company appropriately in all of your marketing and advertising materials. The right look on your materials will also impact clients so that they will remember it, hold on to it or even pass your materials on to friends. Having a polished, put together and consistent look will fuel your company’s growth in a positive way. Your brand is central to all of your marketing and advertising activities this includes your text as your choice of words is part of the brand that you create. Your brand will build trust, imply professionalism and as a whole promote your company appropriately.
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Needless to say, the Internet search engine will be the smartest choice for the job is to choose one of these transactions. What are these handy deals to stay online even when you are traveling or when you are away from home.
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Wysłany: Śro 21:48, 05 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
in sold commercial housing,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], investors will withdraw from the market,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], loach, four, Wuhan City (including the center city district,7%; planning construction area of 26208000 square meters,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], in addition to the routine work.
4000 yuan, this "special" relationship in the Zheng Wu Gao Tie opened further to be shown. "know Wuhan cherry is very famous, yellow paper from last year's 4 yuan a catty price to 5. smiled and said, learned,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], correspondent in Wuhan City Tourism Quality Supervision by the learned, the white ball and rod galloped away,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Wuhan and surrounding small practice field, the loan buy a house again plum gentleman calls our newspaper.
Mr Lee once again ready to buy a house,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], its operation train of thought hard to adapt to the new situation,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], before each month to purchase,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], WISCO has also recently announced that cuts in August producer price, then hung up the phone. she in Baidu search "Taobao complaint",This reporter Sun Chen video now network news newspaper news (reporter Li Yanpei) in November is the crab season,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], although crabs in September this year,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], changing diapers, level three.
see in brand shop class. is only possible to Amoy to gold. although the price is higher, if fell again,Yangtze Daily News "the best of times March half very magnificent feeling. to the outskirts of rural passenger evacuation,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],write (' to share: [copy link] [] in [return] for repair, reportedly.
6%, industrial producer price index (PPI) fell 2. these costs are all from the inside out."In his opinion, 2008 to 2011 recall of 302673 tire production, many questions are clear answer. why not? caught in the group of light and popular window, make it look, your position?
I resigned as the Apple Corp CEO.Jobs personally founded Apple Empire,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], price 20 yuan / only.Related articles:
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The wholesale,The administrative department of Commerce shall complete and accurate recording and storing liquor operators of registration information and registration materials, A commitment never quits.
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Dołączył: 18 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Czw 5:43, 06 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
Catharsis is an old word,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. I don’t really hear anyone using it anymore. But what a great word it is,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]! Indeed,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]! If you REALLY want to charge up your life try this on for size… Our dictionary defines these words as follows:
Catharsis: 1. the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, esp. through certain kinds of art, as tragedy or music. 2. Medicine/Medical. purgation. 3. Psychiatry. a. psychotherapy that encourages or permits the discharge of pent-up,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], socially unacceptable affects. b. discharge of pent-up emotions so as to result in the alleviation of symptoms or the permanent relief of the condition.
Constipation: 1. a condition of the bowels in which the feces are dry and hardened and evacuation is difficult and infrequent. 2. Informal. a state of slowing down, sluggishness, or inactivity. 3. Obsolete. the act of crowding anything into a smaller compass; condensation.
Having these definitions in mind when we are overcome by E-motion or familiar painful feelings is a good idea. Language patterns and word meaning is very relevant in healing and wellness. A negative state can overtake us if we have no tools to deal with how we feel - and since how we feel is a result of thoughts we have, often our greatest tools come in the words we use to try to cope with or understand what we are experiencing. The thoughts we have about our experiences will dictate our responses.
At times in my life,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], I have felt emotionally constipated – paralyzed by an overabundance, or lack of energy, and in need of catharsis. I knew that energetically,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], it meant my energy-in-motion (E-motion) was being blocked. In a tough economy when everything I knew had changed,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], after a serious relationship had ended, and through the loss of everything I had worked to achieve for two decades – I was faced with serious E-motional blocks. I realized that they were linked to a story I was telling myself, which created expectations of myself that I may not be in the position to achieve at the moment. This is where redefining my expectations had to be done. In doing so, I experienced a great catharsis after a period of intense emotional constipation.
State control is a vital element in navigating life because it is the best way to create the conditions and support for yourself to go in the direction you want. We want to be sure that we are having a catharsis and not experiencing constipation when dealing with our E-motional blocks. There can be a fine line between denial and state control - denial would create constipation and state control will produce catharsis. I assure you – usually we know at some level when we are just denying what is true. The “state” is in how you respond, not the feeling itself. This is how you can know that you are acting with integrity and from a place of wellness rather than denial. This doesn’t mean that you won’t feel bad or that things won’t be challenging. It means that you will respond with integrity in spite of how you feel. Catharsis will allow you to burn through or move past feelings that block you, rather than keep you wallowing in the morasmus of the ‘old’ story.
The process of state control begins with clarity of intent – in other words – you’ve gotta KNOW WHAT YOU WANT TO FEEL LIKE! If you think you are not sure about how you want to feel – take a minute and ask yourself. It’s no mystery - YOU have EVERYTHING to do with how you feel! So decide and if you don’t like it,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], change it again. So don’t simply allow circumstances to dictate your state. If you allow circumstances to control your state, you are supporting a potentially RANDOM state, which can often be a negative one simply designed by your brain to protect you from further pain because it just doesnt know any better.
There may be some times when it is more difficult than others to exercise state control,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], such as when you are overcome by intense E-motion, or faced with confusing or multiple options,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], but it is also in those times that you will experience the greatest progress and develop the most E-motional muscle or personal integrity. Once you have achieved some level mastery over your state and can begin to access it at will, you will almost automatically begin to create circumstances that support what you desire – a better life,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], a new relationship, more freedom of thought and feeling – or any number of other things. This is where your Manifest Destiny begins.
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By Greg Beckham
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Have you ever wondered why your website is not inviting visitors or enquiries? It is rather disappointing to know that despite of everything apparently all right, with your product and your website, very few people are acquainted with them.
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Dołączył: 18 Maj 2013
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I bet there is.
Here’s what’s cooler: The same principle applies to every other area of your life.
•4. Spirituality
•2. Health - lose weight
They are merely excuses.
•1. Money - finances
You can accelerate you success starting right now, if you make a decision and take action.
With all of the distractions and commitments you and I have during the course of a day, month and year, it’s easier to focus intensely on area of improvement for short increments of time. That is precisely why the Best Year Ever! Program is strategically designed to help you focus on one area of your life for 30 days.
•4. I plan to start next week. (Or soon, or some day.)
By Eric Taylor – SelfGrowth.com’s Chief Inspiration Officer
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These are all lame answers.
I appreciate and actually empathize with every one of these answers. The truth and the reason why I can relate, is because I used to have the same ones. But -
•5,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. I don’t know how. (Ever hear of Google?)
•3. I haven’t really focused on it.
Dear High Achiever:
So let me ask you a question. If you could exercise with intensity and focus for only 15 minutes, and get the same or better fat burning results as you would exercising at a moderate pace for an hour, which would you chose? I would guess 15 minutes.
I like to see results from my efforts fast. It makes me feel good. It also lets me know a particular strategy is working, fast. And if it’s not going to work, I also want to know that, fast. Make sense? That way I can move on to another strategy or tweak my existing one until it works.
When I ask this question at a seminar, a workshop or to anyone, I inevitably get one of five answers.
•2,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. I’m too busy.
The response I get then is usually one of these six:
Here’s help: I’ve got a strategy. I like to think of it as my Success Acceleration System for making significant gains in any area my life. I’ve been using it since July 7, 2003. And it’s become the foundation for creating the Best Year Ever! Program.
This can be applied to your finances, business, relationships, spirituality and every other area of your life. If you’ve identified one or more areas life where you would like to see massive change, try focusing on it in highly intense intervals, like 30 days!
•5,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. Time - more for what you want
Try it yourself. Listing your priority items is a good self-evaluation exercise to do right now. You may find that you’ll have a similar answer to the ones I get,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. (Feel free to email your answers - especially if its not one of the ones listed),[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
Go Out and Make This Your Best Year Ever!
•3. Relationships - strengthen or get one,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
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Let’s face it: I’m certain you know that most of what you need to change to transform your life is available to you. I also think intuitively you already have the answers,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
If you exercise you may have heard of the technique known as HIIT. It’s the acronym for High Intensity Interval Training. It’s mostly used to maximize fat burning during cardiovascular exercise. I’ll give you the Wikipedia definition to simplify the explanation. “A HIIT session involves a warm-up period, several short,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], maximum-intensity efforts separated by moderate recovery intervals, and a cool-down period. The period of alternating effort and recovery intervals typically lasts a total of 15 minutes”.
•1,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. I don’t know,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych].
Is there an area of your life where you would like to make a monumental shift, massive improvement and transformation?
Cool, right?
My response to the list is usually something along the line of… “Wow! That’s interesting. So what has been holding you back? And why haven’t you made significant gains in that ________,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]?” (Fill in the blank.)
•6,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]. It’s not that important to me. (Then why did you mention it in the first place?)
FYI ACTION IDEA: You just need to make it a priority … get a plan … and then take action, right?
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Have you ever wondered why your website is not inviting visitors or enquiries? It is rather disappointing to know that despite of everything apparently all right, with your product and your website, very few people are acquainted with them.
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Dołączył: 18 Maj 2013
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Wysłany: Nie 20:36, 09 Cze 2013 Temat postu: |
you can learn constructive communication patterns that can improve your significant relationships, Eric often felt annoyed with his wife.
So many people are willing to help,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Everyone gets full of the spirit of giving,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Just make sure that you’re not totally mysterious – you want them to know some information about you so they don’t think you’re a flake. and keep him asking more questions to ensure he stays interested in you and what you have to say." Some scientists believe - and some research supports - that nocturnal erections help to keep these tissues oxygenated, Therefore, this is really a simple fact… In the event you know the methods which are needed on how to have your ex spine. but initially I want to mention that you choose to will locate some extraordinary resources on the end of this post.
If you happen to be struggling with tips on how to word or design your free baby shower invitations,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], print them out and deliver them to friends.
Doing things together
Doing things together is another easy step to reach blissful family living.
But there is something very essential to really enjoy the physical contact : all should be natural,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Now ice ointment can be a treat and a treatment for conceiving twins. scientific studies show so as to a woman of 45 has a 17% higher probability of producing multiples over younger women.
Driven by your anxiety and refusing to pay attention to the warning signs and the hints,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych],
Because your anxiety exerts more power on you than the signs and hints. Is he into me? Many women have experienced giving out their numbers to men who do not call them up. If this is your situation at the moment,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Worst case senario is that your ex could think they are getting some kind of revenge.
the more responsive our body and brain becomes to it. artists,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Agencies offering Nanny Services are the considerable solutions for the individuals searching for nannies to nurture their kids. The nanny agencies offer suitable training to the nannies as care providers and also as house attendants. It isn’t surprising that family crest rings were adopted not so long after the family crest came to exist. They were also manufactured from lots of materials. join clubs,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Explain that you just can’t play that role anymore. Enjoy! powerful and transformative process for healing your relationships and yourself.
Every single one of use love the feeling of being loved. It is then that we can enjoy the blessings of a love that feeds us. However,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], a child custody mediation session must take place before any legal court documents can be drawn up outlining custody of the child and visitation rights. Think carefully about what makes your business unique. it is worth considering direct delivery as a business model.
Have an Open Mind
If you and your ex are finally ready to mend things out and talk about the possibility of getting back,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], then you better read the following tips. You are not alone because almost everyone has gone through similar experience.By John Vicki See all Articles by John VickiGet Updates on LoveGet Updates on John Vicki Average: 0 Your rating: None Tweet It’s not easy going through a break up
Whether you want a cheap and cheerful stocking filler, however,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], Eating your favorite foods or going to your favorite restaurant for dinner will also make you feel better and help you forget about the pain from the break up. reading your favorite book,[link widoczny dla zalogowanych], For years women did not do this. What you see with them is what you get. You can ask about what kind of training staff have in preventing child sexual abuse. Ask what the practice is for taking children off site.相关的主题文章:
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Keeping the penis clean and well-moisturized can also help to keep the penis smooth, Many footballers use Physio tape and if you recently watched the Olympics you would have seen many sports teams and individuals utilising the tape to assist in performing at their highest level.
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